HEH is famous for a specific type of hard-to-find type of hair: real human gray.
Most gray and salt-and-pepper wigs and men’s hair pieces are made from synthetic (plastic) hair, or very low quality dyed human hair.
The ones that use human hair for gray use the lowest grade human hair and dye it gray so the tone fades after being washed just a few times.
This means the either needing a new piece to maintain the gray you need, or wearing something that really doesn’t work with your base color / shade / mix of gray.
Even realistic synthetic wigs look, feel, and style like plastic, so it’s impossible to get a real, natural look when choosing the gray that works well with your base color.
Synthetic hair frizzes easily, is hard to style, and looks shiny and fake, because it is.
That’s why we create our gray wigs and pieces with 100% human gray.
Read on to hear the amazing story of how we get our grays.